Army Boys Friday Funny
The release of Call of Duty Black Ops has got us thinking
all army here at Passy's World. So this week we are taking a funny look at all
things army.
So open up that turret hatch and have a good look around
at this week's funny ha ha.
First up here is a classic Black Adder clip that explains
all about how World War I started. So sit up history buffs and pay close
The modern day Army has been very worried about the
fatness and fitness of their latest generation of soldiers:
In fact there is amazing new military technology being
developed every day:
Check out this latest batalllion of star wars wookie
snipers looking very suave in their lovely Armani gilly suits:
Not too sure what this training is all about. Must be
some kind of new tactic to totally mesmerise the enemy.
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