الاثنين، 10 فبراير 2014

Army Boys Friday Funny

Army Boys Friday Funny
The release of Call of Duty Black Ops has got us thinking all army here at Passy's World. So this week we are taking a funny look at all things army.
So open up that turret hatch and have a good look around at this week's funny ha ha.
First up here is a classic Black Adder clip that explains all about how World War I started. So sit up history buffs and pay close attention!  
The modern day Army has been very worried about the fatness and fitness of their latest generation of soldiers:
In fact there is amazing new military technology being developed every day:
Check out this latest batalllion of star wars wookie snipers looking very suave in their lovely Armani gilly suits:


Not too sure what this training is all about. Must be some kind of new tactic to totally mesmerise the enemy.

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